Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Thought in My Head

Life is like a game, you shoot for your target and if you miss, you hit some thing or some one behind it, there are consequences to face, lessons to be learned and 'game' strategy along the way, as you go along, you get wiser from your mistakes, you remember to not do something if you got in trouble for it or got told no, but the most important thing to remember...When your stuck with an obstacle in your way, shoot it down!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Spanish Class

Spanish class... As we have learned( we is me including mike), has turned out to be EXTREMELY annoying and a pain in my... bottom. Our teacher hooked us in on the first day, thinking it was going to be a good first semester, by giving us candy, treats, and she was nice. Now, she is more strict, bribes us with games, and worst of all, we don't even get to play the games!!! :O This, happened today, " Class, we will play bingo today but we have to get through our work first" we all witnessed this AND!!!! At the end she said" we have ran out of time class, we wont be playing bingo and we have a test tomorrow on the words from today". In my perspective, wasn't bingo supposed to teach us those words for tomorrow!? Oooohhh well. guess were going to have to deal with it. she better have candy tomorrow.

p.s. Spanish teachers remind me of rabbits for some reason...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Super Powers

If i could have ANY super power in the world, i would pick the power to shape shift, Any other super power would be inferiour to this. You could get out of the most sticky of situations in any shape, way, or form. (Not only was that a pun but it would be reality). Some one who wished to be super strong, or super cunning, i could just Change into something more strong, or something more clever! It out matches every super power out there! It would be the most Genious power out there and if i had it, you wouldnt know what i really was.