Sunday, October 3, 2010

To the Over Users Of Facebook

( Facebook Obsessor's be warned this is a rant pointed directly towards you) During the last few years of when Facebook has been a raging uproar to success, people have become obsessive. People cannot get enough of this website. So obsessed that Facebook needed to make an application so the site is accessibly every where you go. Its available on people's phones, all over people's Ipod's, you can even get Facebook to send you texts so you always have it in the palm of your hand. People are engulfed in the need to be connected socially to every body. No one can be left out for a SINGLE moment! Can you not imagine the horror of it! The other extremely annoying thing about Facebook users these days, is that people have nothing better to do but take quizzes, comment on everything, "like" everything, join groups every two second for everything so pointless and in amusing that its really just a waste of time. The next day you log onto Facebook and you look at your requests, and there is a significant number of "challenges" to beat someones high score on a game or quiz! Really, I could care less about the stupid facebook quiz that tells you nothing. These people should go out side and get some exercise or go actually socialize with people, instead of using facebook to 'talk' to people. The most. utterly pointless, most un-use full thing people do to over use there facebook, is updating there status about everything they do. " ... is eating with the family, having KD with Hot Dogs in it, Mmmmm!" or " ... is about to go to bed, good night every body, see you tomorrow". This is an over obsession that should not be shared. People have to tell me there going to bed over the Internet on their status, should not be on Facebook. The Facebook creation was a great way to get in connection with people and be able to talk to them, but this is just taking it over the top people. I believe some of these people are over using the rights that Facebook offers. Therefore, they should learn how to use a website properly without having to tell me what they are doing every step of the way. Its too much information. ' Mitch says... See You tomorrow every one, I'm going to bed!'

My Top 3

Today's blog challenge is to choose the top 3 (of anything) and justify your choice. You may choose the top three hockey players of all time, the greatest musicians, the top three reasons to do something...the possibilities are endless. Here is a suggested sequence of events for the blog:

1. Choose your topic

2. Choose the criteria you are using to make your choices, and explain it to the reader. For example, if you are ranking the top three hockey players, how are you choosing to judge them? Points scored? Plus/minus rating? Years in the league? Stanley Cups won?

3. Type your blog out by first explaining the topic you have chosen, and the criteria for your choices. Then state each of your top three choices, and dedicate approximately a paragraph to each one that justifies why it deserves the ranking you gave it. As always, formal language and proper spelling and grammar applies.

Top 3 Places I've Been

1. New York City
2. North Carolina
3. Florida

 I am ranking these by the interesting things I saw in the State.

New York was the my top choice because I was walking around Times Square and Ground Zero. I was also around the Twin Tower's Monument with the eternal flame burning right beside it. I was in Manhattan and it was really awesome, we went into the HUGE Macy's. 7 stories high, and a New York block long. It had everything! I was also there with my lacrosse team so that was really fun. We went into a big candy store in the Rockefeller, it was good for the ride home. we also saw the "naked cowboy" and he was playing his guitar in times square. That is why New York was my favorite choice.

North Carolina is second because it was really good for the lacrosse and the University tours we went on. The fields were really really nice and I've been there twice and its been the same. In the Freshmen year, when I first started a lacrosse program which allowed me to go here, it was the first trip I had been on with the team, so naturally, it made it a good experience. We went to UNC ( University of North Carolina) and it was a very good tour. We got to see a lot and again, it was the first tour I had been on with the program. The second University we toured, was DUKE. It was really interesting to see the old buildings that were stationed there. North Carolina has definitely earned the second place spot.

Florida is third because it was good too see everything there and it was just a fun place to be in. I went there with my lacrosse program again, and it was really fun. It was a tournament there and we ended up getting second I believe. So that made it pretty awesome. While we were there, we went to a Tampa Bay Lightning game against the New York Islanders. It was my first ever NHL game so I was pretty exited for it. It was also the first game Tampa Bay had played with there new name, The Bolts. So it was cool to be in the atmosphere. But the biggest reason why my third choice is Florida, is because the palm tree's there were so cool!