Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Assignment #2 Grade 12

    Along a windy dusty trail, that leads to a place of frustration, responsibility, and freedom, lies a path we all must take. There is no avoiding it. Although there are many alternative routes to get there. Some people take the high road, and work hard to discover the secret of a happiness; and others take the path that's right in front of them and is straight and simple. Bare minimum effort is involved with walking this road. The creative people learn many things along the way. Learning their role in life; their role to the world. On this path, we learn valuable life skills. Check points on this vary from the lower level, middle level and finally the ending checkpoint that is gives you the sight of the end. Were nervous, Were sweating, were desperately crying out for help. Something to give us a hold of something! Standing on the gold plated pathway to achievement are we still are finding fear within our self. Nobody wants to take a step closer, but nobody wants to take a step back or stay longer than they must. Slowly we creep forward. Foot after foot, single file down the path. In the distance there is a form. From this position we can not make out the form, all we can tell is that its flat and people keep going on and off of it. As if time all of a sudden skipped ahead of us, over our heads and back behind us. How did we manage to lose track of this time? Suddenly were there, we see it. We approach the form shaking with anxiety. We've reached the edge. We hear a voice over a system. It's my name. Alone, all alone, I hold back, and move with hardly a crawl towards the destination. I feel as if I'm watching myself stand there, I look pathetic. But after a second look, I look and feel proud! The man voice in front of me all of a sudden catches my ear drums and I hear " Congratulations Mitch, you've graduated.

Blog assignment #2

Scenario one: George looked up from shoeing the horse to see the outline of Curley's wife in the doorway of the barn. They were alone.
       Curley's wife had entered the musky darn barn, she focused on the task at hand. She needed some loving. Curley doesn't give her the attention she so desperately craves. Some say, Curley and her are a closely knit family, but they couldn't be more wrong. At the crack of dawn, she had advanced into the room.
       George, not expecting this at all, said " Well you just stick like glue don't you!"
       "Well George, you just send chills up my spine" Curley's wife responded. She had been eyeing George since the moment he walked onto that farm. She had a situation where she had to make it or break it. She wanted this man in her life, to stick by her through thick and thin.
      George not sure what to take from this said " Well this tops the list of strange occurrences since I've been here. What can I help you with?" he felt as if she was going to pull one over on him.
      Curley's wife had done this so many times, she knew the process like the back of her hand. " Well your a very handsome man to say the least. I haven't seen a man like you around here for ages; and I need a companion. A man that can handle me, a man whose not afraid of a little danger, a little excitement. Some one who can sweep me off my feet. " . After a long hard stern look of thought and concentration, Curleys wife noticed the change in expression in Georges face, a look of playful intensity. Got him. He fell for it, hook, line, and sinker.
       "Well when you state it that way, there ain't no way I can say no to that." . After this being stated, and the look of accomplishment in Curley's Wifes' eyes, George knew he got her. Playing his excitement up to make her think he fell for her cheesy "pick up line". It was a breeze to pull that over on this floozy.