Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Your second option is to create a random piece of creative writing. Below are 12 options that you may choose to write on:
6) Write a fictional scary encounter with your hairdresser or barber.

My mom is always nagging me about getting my hair cut and it being " too shaggy" or messy. Most of the time I strongly disagree. Usually when she makes this statement, it's when I just get my hair how I want and I really like it at the time. It never fails. But this time, it was getting to long and it was starting to bug me. So, I listened to her. I looked around for a popular Barber shop or a good hair dresser. I found a fantastic one by the look of the advertisement. So the next day, I went down there to make an appointment and get a nice hair cut. But of course, they were closed down and out of business. Just my luck. On the way home from the disappointment, I saw a barber shop. The place looked alright, kinda run down but hey whats the difference! I walked in and everything this was intriguing to my sense's. The colours of the walls around me from the unfamiliar scent in the hair which made my mind glaze over with a mental fog. the kind of feeling you get during Christmas time when all the fresh baking in the oven opens up your mind and the Christmas spirit envelopes us all. By this time I was sitting in the chair looking at my self in an odd sort of mirror. It looked normal enough, but myself, I looked different that normal. For one I had an extremely goofy look on my face, and two, my hair wasn't the same it looked amazing. Like I've never seen it before. But before I had the chance to take it in more fully, it vanished and I saw my self. I remember the lady behind me asking if I liked what I saw and I told her the truth. I told her that the image that seemed to have been conjured in front of me, was the most amazing thing I had ever seen! She told me that she would bargain with me. For the hair cut, to make it look exactly like the way I had seen it, I would have to work there for a month and a half helping her with her supplies OR, I would have to pay an unruly amount of money. So instincts led me to do the work, I mean how hard could it be! As soon as I told her my choice she nodded her head and slipped away. All I could think about was the image that I was going to have! when she came back, she had something in her hand, and when I opened my mouth to ask what it was, she slipped a pill into my mouth and I passed out. When I awoken, I was in a rouge coloured room, with that same unfamiliar scent. I figured that I was in the same building. The lady was sitting across from me reading her book and looked up to see that I was awake. When she realized I had woken up she stated " You will be helping me recreate people for the next month and a half. With your help, I will have my own race of super good-looking genetically altered beings!" By this time, I started to get a bit creeped out, but at that moment, I realized how good looking this woman actually was. Then I looked past her, and spotted a mirror and the refection of my self. Well what I thought to be my self because I had seen this image before, when I was sitting in the chair at this very barber shop! I was thrilled! As I was so caught up in my emotions, a thought came into my head . Whats the catch? An extremely altered face looking to be from the gods themselves, for a month and a half of work? It just doesn't click. But I let the thought slip and carried on with my extraordinarily happy sense. I worked off my month and a half and at the end of it, and the thought came back. I asked the lady and she said there was no catch, she just liked having company. Which I believed because I was so drawn in my her beauty. Strange thing was, my appearance hadn't changed once since I got my hair cut. The other strange thing was I never went home during the time period when I was working there. That thought, never had crossed my mind. So I left the building and stopped abruptly. The building was no longer old and ratty, but new and more attractive. Actually, come to think of it, everything looked better! Everything looked like it was, in some sort of Beautified state. I got home and everything there was different too. I went down stairs into my bathroom and looked in the mirror and I couldn't believe my eyes! Not only was I hideous, but i was shriveled up, wrinkly and old looking! It was as if all of my facial features, had turned on me and I looked like a broken rock mushed with a pile of sand. but everything around me still looked incredible. I must of sucked out all my looks and put them into other people and threw them everywhere on every thing. I went back to the barber shop and I asked the lady what had happened to me! She just giggled and walked away.

1 comment:

  1. Your tale of going to hairdresser really sparked my interest even though it was based on a boring topic (cutting hair). The one literature method you used effectively was metaphors. Your comparison of mental fog and Christmas baking was genius. Your advanced vocabulary wove this story together phenomenally. Words that caught my eye were unruly, genetically altered and abruptly. The one thing I would change is the intensity of your introduction. For example, you should probably include how your hair affects your daily life and how it prevents you from performing at your best. This will further exemplify how your hair is annoying and why you want to get rid of it. Otherwise it was an A plus story.
