Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Letter to Mr. Cleats

123 Main Street
Penticton, British Columbia,
V2A 3W1

May 16, 2011

Mr .Cleats
English Teacher
120 Green Avenue,
Penticton, British Columbia
V2A 3W1

Dear Mr. Cleats:

Hello, My name is Mitch Walton, I am a father of a child that is on your soccer team. I am faced with a decision. Take my son out of the sport that he loves, or send you a letter regarding my concerns. So here's as follows. As responsibility to the team, a coach should be arriving on time at the very least but be there before practice to help kids with problems and organize your practice. If this is not possible for you, perhaps ask a parent of the team to help run the warm up for practice. I have also notice the kids look a little bit lost and are standing around wondering what to do. Could you possible go further into information in telling the children the drill they are about to perform? I'm sure this would give a stronger, more organized appearance to your practice plan.

On a team sport, the coach has most influence on his players. He is the leader and kids look up to him. So the coach should remain a roll model to the kids so they have a good attitude towards playing. Yelling at them and other players gives off negative energy and kids tend to replay what they hear or see. So sportsmanlike is greatly effected by yelling at players. Perhaps resolve in a more professional manner rather than an outburst of anger.

The children are young. They are playing for fun and just to get experience. No one is ever going to gain any skill by riding the pine at this young of age. If anything, it will turn them off of the sport and there wont be a youth group to replace the older generations. And without there is no job for you so it a double negative and a lose-lose situation. Seeing as the children are so young and just want to have fun in the games; would it be possible to have a less emphasis on winning and more on just having fun. Because with fun comes winning and competition and if you don't have fun, your not actually winning at all.

These are just ideas that are on my mind that may be able to help tighten up your team. And I, and other parents, would love to see a change in our children's sports and are more than happy to help you out with any thing you need


Mitch Walton

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