Wednesday, May 2, 2012

A Chocolate Bar Wrapper

Their hair glistened as though it was shellacked
The store window illuminat[ing] the sidewalk
He reaches his hand toward his wallet for his identity
So intent is he upon the future that he dangerously ignores the present

It has been a reckless, haphazard path
Retracing is impossible
The gate is double locked
                                                   fence cut
                                                              and rolled
into a cone

The houses are squat.
[They] have slowly sunk into the ground
[They were given a ] promise of a Saturday liquid sunshine
[They] smell [the] burning of leaves
stir[ing] memories of narrow lanes adrift with
Yellow Leaves

And quickly a certain untidiness creeps in
Cracked sidewalks with ridges of stiff grass
superficial variations
                                                              nothing left
                                                                                ragged edges
                                                                                                    unkempt vacant lots
[along past] a plastic horse
[comes] a chocolate bar wrapper
[lost in] a little more that fragments

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